Phuoc & Partners – Vietnam Company Law

I am very busy and do not have time to read legal advice or have email exchange with lawyers, if I request, can your law firm agree to work with me through meetings and telephone only?

We as a law firm are always listening and willing to work with clients to ensure maximum convenience for the client, including using the most efficient communication channels such as meetings and telephone, per your request.

Legal work often requires lawyers constantly cross-check and reference their previous information and advice; due to the often ambiguous nature of some provisions of the current laws of Vietnam, the understanding and interpretation of the law can change for each person.

To ensure the correct course of action is taken, our lawyers may still need to note consultations with the client for their easy reference later (if necessary) and also to help reference between the work that has been done and what has been advised to the client. On that basis, even if you do not require it, from time to time we are still obliged to send email / fax / send a letter to you of the legal work that we have been assigned; we request that you or your secretary simply hold this information as required.

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