Phuoc & Partners – Vietnam Company Law

Documents required to request a commercial lending in Vietnam


The request for a commercial lending is made during an interview with a lending institution. During this interview, the professional who wants to borrow must submit his complete application file. The goal for the borrower is to prove that he has a promising project, in turn convincing the bank to lend him money.

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4 Important things to know about commercial lending in Vietnam

Convincing banks to lend money is not easy. A promising project with persuasive arguments and a strong record are necessary.

Each project is different (business creation, business recovery, etc.) and therefore it requires proper supporting documents.

There are nevertheless a number of documents common to all cases:

Then there are other documents which are required by most lenders:

Note: In case of refusal of loan, it is possible to ask the bankers their reasons, and then resubmit a new file at the same bank for their reconsideration.

[1] Mereditch Turits, « Commercial loan documentation checklist: Everything you need to apply »,

[2] Ravinder Kapur « Business loan requirements: A complete checklist of documents »,

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