Phuoc & Partners – Vietnam Company Law

Internal Newsletter of June, 2020 “Challenges Dispelling”

Ta nang

This Internal Newsletter is the latest publication of Phuoc & Partners in 2020. Similar to the bi-annual publication, this Internal Newsletter is named of “Challenges Dispelling”. During the first six months of this year, Phuoc & Partners has been experienced the hard period by COVID 19’s influence even though the most difficult time that we thought of suspending our business.

However, all of us still believe and go along with Phuoc & Partners during this duration to fight and get over it. This publication not only reflects the Firm’s daily activities, events, seminars…but also expresses Phuoc & Partners’s thankfulness to all P&P’s members.

Hopefully through this Internal Newsletter, all of us can understand more about our difficulties and bypass our deficiencies as the companions in Phuoc & Partners’ lasting development.

Please access HERE to look back the Phuoc & Partners’s activities in the first six months of 2020:

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