Phuoc & Partners – Vietnam Company Law

Family and Individual Legal Manual – New edition

The initial Personal & Family Legal Handbook was published in 2018 and created an impression in readers’ mind. That is proven though this booklet is sold all in just 6 months since the day of publishing. To satisfy the readers’ demand, Nguyen Huu Phuoc Esq. republished this booklet with double quantity in comparison with the original version.

This booklet not only maintains the whole content as the previous version but the author has also updated and supplemented new content based on the current applicable laws and social background.

This booklet can be presumed as a family medicine cabinet to solve legal issues for every family. Each one should keep it as a kind of dictionary and reference in case of need.

The aim of this booklet is not only to help improve understanding, knowledge, law compliance and time & effort saving, but also reduce volume of propaganda and law compliance guidance for the people from the Government agencies.

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