Phuoc & Partners – Vietnam Company Law


Phuoc & Partners Law Firm is pleased to present the series of Labour Law Books (1st Edition) that have recently been interested by many human resources professionals and internal counsels of enterprises.

Why 03 volumes instead of 01 volume?

Since labour law is a very extensive field, if all the topics of this field were gathered into one volume, such a book would be very thick and difficult to read. In addition, there may be some topics that readers have already known and do not want to know more about, so for the convenience of readers’ research and application process, the topics have been separated into 03 volumes and each volume only focuses on a few important topics that are related to each other.


If you are new to the HR profession and have not accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience in the labour law or if you have accumulated but your knowledge has not kept up with the rapid changes of current labour law, and in case you are looking for a short, concise, easy to understand document that covers all issues of the labour law, then Volume 1 – Labor Law Handbook is the right choice for you. In addition to very detailed and specific aggregate information about legal issues arising in the labour relationship between employees and employers, the latest Labour Law Reporting Compliance Calendar and the Labour Law Compliance Questionnaire for readers to check the compliance with labour law in the enterprises as well as all legal terms on labour law are also fully gathered in this Labour Law Handbook.

If you are interested in Book 1 of this series, you can buy it at online and offline bookstores nationwide such as Tiki, Fahasha or you can register to buy this volume directly by following the link below in order to get the author’s signature:


Following Volume 1 – Labour Law Handbook, we would like to continue to introduce to the readers Volume 3 of the series of labour law books.

In the practice of working for enterprises, there are certainly many real-life situations that arise related to the labour law that even if you try to look for many different sources, it is still difficult to find a solution. Which solution is the most optimal, both fair and reasonable, in accordance with the guiding instruments of the labour law. In many cases, you may be lucky enough to find a legal solution but face difficulties such as legal situations that are not quite the same as yours or if they are similar ones but the guidance in accordance with the law is unclear, leading to difficulty in the implementation in practice. Understanding such obstacles, Volume 2 – Frequently Asked Questions in the Labour Law was published with the desire to share solutions drawn from practical experience to solve arising situations in the labour relationship. If Volume 1 gives readers the most comprehensive and complete picture of the labour law, Volume 2 will bring readers closer to reality through a collection of 150 frequently asked questions but difficult to find correct, detailed, and reliable answers from other sources.

If you are interested in Volume 2 of this series, you can buy it at online and offline bookstores nationwide such as Tiki, Fahasha or you can register to buy the series of labour law books directly by following the link below in order to get the author’s signature:



 Following Volume 1 – The Labour Law Handbook and Volume 2 – Frequently Asked Questions in Labour Law, we would like to continue to introduce to the readers Volume 3 of the series of labour law books.

The Labour Code 2019 and its guiding instruments in general provide some standard forms for reference, but these are only regular labour reporting forms as regulated for the main purpose of helping labour management task of the local labour management agencies to be unified and convenient. The fact is that the labour law also requires many other legal issues related to labour to be done in standard forms or to be drafted in sequence and/or to contain certain mandatory information – but does not provide any standard forms for businesses to refer to. Therefore, Volume 3 – Hard-to-find Human Resources Forms is considered as a useful support tool that readers cannot miss. The content of Volume 3 provides almost all standard forms of internal documents in enterprises that are required by the labour law but do not provide standard forms for reference. For the convenience of the readers who are working for foreign related businesses, the standard forms in Volume 3 also have content in English.

If you are interested in Vocume 3 of this series, you can buy it at online and offline bookstores nationwide such as Tiki, Fahasha or you can register to buy them directly by following the link below in order to get the author’s signature:


We hope that the latest edition of this series of volumes will bring much needed support to you as human resources professionals and internal counsels when performing daily tasks related to labour law at enterprises. If you are interested in this series, you can buy them at online and offline bookstores nationwide such as Tiki, Fahasha or you can register to buy them directly by following the link below in order to get the author’s signature. 



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