Phuoc & Partners Vietnam Company Law

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As you are aware, the Labour Code 2019 which took into effect as from 01 January 2021 and the main guiding documents have been issued. With the purpose of supporting the enterprises to conduct their businesses in strict compliance with the labour Laws of Vietnam, Phuoc & Partners has designed this Compliance Health Check on the Labour Laws so that enterprises can check their own “legal health” in the most simple and effective way.

Please find “Compliance Health Check on the Labour Laws” At HERE. This Compliance Health Check is designed to identify areas of labour laws where your company may be in breach of the Vietnamese regulations if not being compliant with them. Please spend up to 60 minutes to answer Yes / No for each question therein to consider your company’s labour law compliance. In case of not being compliant with any of the contents in the Compliance Health Check on Labour Law, please take prompt actions to minimize risks of being subject to administrative penalties in the labour field by competent State authorities of labour management.

In case, you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us for our advice and assistance. If you need our assistance to carry out the labour law health check for your company, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Thank you and best regards,